Britain no longer conjures visions of mini skirt clad women and spiffy bulletproof cars. Today's international consumer want products with Celtic aura and mystical properties, even if those products are mundane pieces of lumber or glass beads found in any modern day city. Why not bring YOUR British product to the world via the Internet?

Jim's World specializes in building web sites for small town businesses; where customers are still appreciated and never underestimated.

Your site will be easy to access, completely secure, and user friendly. No frustrating light shows and annoying music. Your customer will be able to get the information they need quickly - and without feeling intimidated by prying demands for personal information. Best of all, YOU, the proprietor will have input not only before but AFTER your web site is up with easy to follow instructions to make any changes.

Of course, if you prefer, Jim's World can do the updates for you at a reasonable cost. Jim's world also provides a wide range of services from advice on Broadband, Networking, Repairs; there is even a link to a sister company that will compile the wording for your Web Site!

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